Useful Resources

Women’s Health Concern : The patient arm of the British Menopause Society. Has some fantastic visual fact sheets which explain the risks and benefits of HRT.

Balance : An excellent resource for information sheets on everything concerning the menopause. It is all evidence-based and simply explained.

Menopause Matters : Covers all things menopause and has a wealth of information that you may find useful.

Charity for Women with POI | The Daisy Network : Lots of helpful information and support for women experiencing early menopause/premature ovarian insufficiency.

Everything Menopause Instagram page : Lots of useful info, hints, tips and news

Wessex Hospital, Private Hospital in Hampshire | Nuffield Health : Offers a comprehensive range of consultations, procedures, tests and scans. Our face to face clinics are held here 4 mornings per week.

Pharmacierge : Online pharmacy offering e-prescribing for private clinicians. Convenient doorstep delivery.